Content Creation

Artificial Intelligence

Revolutionize Writing with AI Assistant

We are thrilled to introduce 29 Websites latest addition, the AI Assistant, which is now accessible through the Text widget.

Ai power within 29 Websites.

29 Websites AI technology empowers digital marketers by providing personalized website recommendations, automating time-consuming tasks, and improving website performance. With AI, website design and optimization are made more efficient, allowing marketers to focus on strategy and creativity. 29 Websites Ai is a game-changer for digital marketing.

Ai Assistant: Your Content Savior

Integrating AI in 29 Websites? Meet the AI Assistant in the Text widget - step one in our long term investment.

Get suggested texts within seconds

Create content effortlessly by choosing an option from the AI Assistant's menu in the Text widget, describing your text needs, and receiving customizable suggestions within seconds.

AI-Powered Content with Business Relevance

In order to ensure that the AI Assistant offers you top-notch and pertinent content, we are integrating some fundamental information about the business into every content prompt. This means that upon your initial usage of the Assistant on a new website, we will request a few specifics regarding the particular business that the site represents. This simple, one-time action will automatically append the necessary business context to any forthcoming content prompts, ensuring that the recommendations you receive are the most fitting.

Make quick edits and preview suggestions

Need a sentence rephrased in a snap? Got a lengthy block of text that doesn't fit a certain section? Look no further than the AI Assistant's Quick Edits menu options. With just one click, you can improve your text, adjust its length, and correct any spelling and grammar errors.

Preview suggested content on canvas before finalizing your decision. Copy and share suggested texts with ease. Use the Try again button to generate new versions for comparison.

The Text widget is merely the starting point.

29 Marketing ultimate goal is to provide you with seamless solutions that cater to your entire website journey - from initial client conversations to site publication and maintenance. Our AI Assistant is continuously evolving with added features and enhancements. Stay tuned for more AI integrations across the platform.

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